Steady buzz has been floating among many of us, but more importantly about the recent creation of K2, otherwise known as legal synthetic marijuana. Naturally, the new product has been causing all sorts of indigestion with the fuzz, conservative legislators and [insert anti-drug group here], but many tokers are looking at this as a godsend!
Otherwise referred to as "the business man's smoke," K2 is said to produce a high that provides a great case of the giggles, and doesn't leave you drooling from the mouth / slightly retarded for the remainder of the day. Another plus (in some situations) is that it is stench free, which would have been really beneficial to me during the time spent under the bleachers in between classes in high school (juuust kidding, kind of). While some have even reported hallucinating off of K2, I just think they're pussies and have never had a real trip before. Something has to go seriously wrong to obtain hallucinogenic effects from this product.
The obvious question many of you are asking about the product is "yeah, but does it really work?" The short, simple answer = Yes (allegedly).
Too good to be true? It may vary for different people - but you'll just have to go buy your own stash and form your own opinion.
Note: DO NOT buy this product online. Many local retailers now sell this product, and the majority of online distributors will sell you a fake product (hence maybe some of those hallucinations... wait, maybe you should look online instead?).
Finally, some kill that gives you a high and won't show up in your hair or on a pee test! Next time you're running low, your dealer is out of town, or you can't stand another minute of your kid's t-ball game without a dragon rip to the head, you might as well trot on up to your local head shop and snag a bag of legal dank for about $15.
Enjoy a brief, mild, safe, legal, untraceable journey, all you smokers out there!
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