Sunday, August 29, 2010

Gene + Jill

Saturday I went and painted at A&J's house like I usually do on weekends. I finished another dresser that looks amazing, and A finished that damn nursery dresser that she has been working on for weeks. 2 more fine looking pieces to add to our collection, if I do say so myself. Because I felt as though I hadn't infringed upon their married life enough, i stayed for dinner, where J was nice enough to make me my own spaghetti sauce sans meat. I really love spending time with them- they are such great people that have really taken me in with open arms. I also can't seem to get enough of A, which is making things pretty weird (especially when her husband finds out that I brought her flowers). A&J are one of those couples that you wouldn't picture together if you knew them separately, but when they are together they just fit perfectly. You can tell how much in love they are with each other, and it's really neat to see because that sort of spark seems to be a rarity these days (maybe because she's out of control and he puts up with it). Seeing that married couple interaction is very interesting to me because I look forward to that in my life one day. Things are going to get REAL WEIRD when they read this...

So when I got home I decided to read what was new in Stephanie's world and she had a post that included the below video in it. Steph, after viewing several of these, this one is by far my favorite too. The scenery is so pretty, and I'm pretty sure that if i do get married one day that I too will wear TOMS with my dress.

Gene + Jill // Two Pease in a Pod from capture studios on Vimeo.

To prepare for a future this beautiful, I am doing the obvious: eating handfuls of dark chocolate peanut M&Ms while watching the Emmys. Now if married life could go away for a little bit and stop making me feel like I'm nowhere near that stage in my life, I'd really appreciate it.


  1. I got really excited when I saw the title of your post. I tried conveying how neat I thought the video was to Will, but he did not appreciate it as much as I would have liked. Hope you have an under 70 hour work week!

  2. We really love having you around. Things are REAL weird, but that's what makes life interesting :)

    I also hope you can have a work week of less than 70 hours! Gees!
